July 2020 AmericanPublic Omnibus Survey

N = 1,000 Adults (18+) Nationwide

Field Dates:  July 1-5, 2020

Margin of Error:  +/- 3.10% at the 95% Confidence Level



Q1.      [GENDER] Please indicate your gender.

52% Female
48 Male


Q2.      [BIRTH]  In what year were you born? [RECORD YEAR AND CONVERT TO AGE4]

17% 18-29
32 30-49
26 50-64
25 65+


Q3.      [RACE/ETHNICITY]  To make sure we have a representative sample, which of the following best describes your ethnic heritage or background?  [CHECK QUOTAS/TARGET]

62% White or Caucasian
13 Black or African American
12 Latino or Hispanic
7 Asian American or Pacific Islander
1 Native American or American Indian
3 Mixed race
2 Other



17% Northeast
38 South
22 Midwest
23 West


Q5.      [PARTYID]  Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as [ROTATE] a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or something else?

29% Republican
32 Democrat
32 Independent
3 Something else
4 Unsure


Q5x.     [INDLEAN]  [IF Q5 = INDEPENDENT, n=318] And when you vote in elections, do you tend to vote for more for Republican candidates or Democratic candidates?

25% Republican candidates
36 Democratic candidates
11 Other Third Party Candidates
28 Unsure


Q6.      [INCOME]   Which of the following income groups includes your total family income in 2019 before taxes?

5% Up to $9,999
8 $10,000-$19,999
10 $20,000-$29,999
10 $30,000-$39,999
10 $40,000-$49,999
18 $50,000-$74,999
15 $75,000-$99,999
7 $100,000-$124,999
6 $125,000-$149,999
8 $150,000 +
3 Prefer not to say


Q7.      [EDOFR].  What is the last grade of school you completed?

* Grade school or less [Grade 1-8]
2% Some high school [Grade 9-11]
17 Graduated high school [Grade 12]
5 Vocational school/Technical school
22 Some college-2 years or less
9 Some college-more than 2 years
28 Graduated college
17 Post-graduate degree [e.g. MA, MBA, LLD PhD]
* Unsure


Q8.      [MARITAL]  What is your current marital status?

30% Single
46 Married
6 Domestic partnership
11 Divorced
2 Separated
5 Widow/Widower


Q9.      [CHILD] Do you have any children?

22% Yes, all under 18 years old
33 Yes, but children are all 18 years or older
5 Yes, both types
40 No children


Q10.    [URBANCITY]  How would you describe the area in which you live — do you live in a large city, in a smaller city, in a suburban area outside a city, in a small town, or in a rural area?

22% Large city
15 Smaller city
39 Suburban area outside a city
10 Small town
14 Rural area
* Unsure


Q11.    [WORKING]  Are you currently …

36% Employed and working full-time
10 Employed and working part-time
11 Unemployed
28 Retired
7 Homemaker
3 Temporarily laid off/furloughed
5 Student
* Unsure




Turning now to a series of questions dealing with the current pandemic …

Q1.      How concerned are you about a second wave of the new coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, that could shut down the national economy once again?

58% Very concerned
29 Somewhat concerned
8 Not very concerned
4 Not concerned at all
1 Unsure
  Collapsed Totals
87% Concerned
12 Not concerned


Q2A.    [HALF SAMPLE A, n=500] Under what circumstances do you think a person should wear a mask in public to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

55% Always – in both indoor and outdoor public settings
19 Always in indoor public settings only
13 In indoor settings when proper social distancing cannot be maintained
5 Only if they want to, but they should not be required
2 Only if they are symptomatic or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19
4 I don’t think masks are effective in preventing the spread of the coronavirus
2 Unsure


Q2B.    [HALF SAMPLE B, n=500] Which of the following two position on wearing facial coverings or masks in public comes closest to your own point of view?

79% Masks represent adherence to civic duty and a willingness to make individual sacrifices for the greater good of public health.
15 Masks symbolize government overreach and a violation of personal liberty.
6 Unsure


Q3A.    [HALF SAMPLE A, n=500]  Should your state government have the authority to require everyone to wear a mask in public, even if fines and other penalties are needed to enforce it?

56% Yes, definitely
20 Yes, probably
9 No, probably not
11 No, definitely not
4 Unsure
  Collapsed Totals
76% Yes
20 No


Q3B.    [HALF SAMPLE B, n=500]  Should your local government have the authority to require everyone to wear a mask in public, even if fines and other penalties are needed to enforce it?

57% Yes, definitely
22 Yes, probably
8 No, probably not
11 No, definitely not
2 Unsure
  Collapsed Totals
79% Yes
19 No


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